Thursday, April 29, 2004

Still alive and well in Longtan

Whew, two weeks already! Blogging might turn out to be more time-consuming than I had thought. Anyway, things are still going along at a fast pace on the "new" job, on which I am already nearing the two-month mark. And still it just feels like I'm getting my feet wet in the world of teaching. Still, every time I set foot in the classroom, it feels like I'm a bit more in control.

On the free-time front, I finally finished slogging through "Tender is the Night" last week (what a disappointment!) and decided to take a break from catching up on my Dead White Males literary fest to delve into Dead White Female territory for a bit. I'd been meaning to read "The Bell Jar" since high school and never got around to it, until now. It's something else! All I can think to say is, what a frank and intimate look at the world of depression. Definitely worth your while. But do yourself a favor and read something fun afterwards!

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