Thursday, December 9, 2004

Christmas in the sunshine

Last Friday, I had a six-hour break between classes, and managed to sneak off to Chung Li for an afternoon sipping and reading at Starbucks. Between the peppermint latte, the cloudy weather and the Christmas music in the dimly lit coffee shop, it almost felt like home. I'm glad I managed to get that afternoon in, because the rest of December will be very busy except for Sundays.

In any case, this will be my warmest Christmas yet by far. I must say it is nice needing no more than a light jacket (and sometimes not even that) in December, and I'm not too upset about missing the worst of the commericalism back home. There is some of that here too, of course, but Asia being Asia, the kitch is present to varying degrees year round anyhow.

Hmm, I'd set out to make this post quite a bit more profound, but that's all I can think of to say just now. Maybe tomorrow.

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