Monday, December 24, 2007

Hey, it really IS Christmas!

My biggest frustration so far on the job search has been that my colleagues' success in finding jobs has been highly correlated with what they did before the MBA. Of those who have found jobs already, most are just moving up in the same industry. Some are even going back to the exact same company. (Of course, as explained in the last post, there is a chance I'll do the same, but that's not really the same!) Just when I was really starting to despair about having any similar avenues open to me, what do I find online but an international language-education organization that is recruiting finance and marketing staff!

I don't know if they're going to be interested in someone with my particular profile (the actual job listings were along the lines of "five years' marketing experience at a well-known firm" and so forth), but it does sound like a natural fit. After sending off that application last night, I slept better than I have in a while.

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